Il sistema

Che cosa e’ il
Le interviste complete
Le interviste che applicano tutte le regole di salto condizionato
La valutazione clinica online

Che cosa e’ il

Le interviste complete
-- To allow you to see the full online interviews, we have created a fictitious person, Luca. He has an unbelievable combination of problems, involving difficulties in practically every area of his life. We have made him like this because it was the only way to show every question. The DAWBA interview has a lot of skip rules that ensure that the interview is kept as brief as possible. When the respondent's initial answers suggest that there aren't any serious problems in any given domain (such as depression or hyperactivity), the interview skips the rest of the questions in that domain. So the only way we could show you the complete interview without any questions being omitted was by giving Luca problems in all areas.

-- Click on the links below to see one of the DAWBA interviews about Luca in a different window of your web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Opera, or whatever). Unless you have already got a second browser window open, this will automatically shift you to the new dawba online window. If the window is less than full-sized, you may then want to maximise it. Please note that once you have opened the dawba online window, then clicking on another link on this page will reload the dawba online window, but won't automatically shift you to that window. Try it and see. To get back to the dawba online window, you need to select it yourself (probably via an icon on the bottom of your screen).

-- The DAWBA for Luca himself

-- The DAWBA for someone who knows Luca well (his mother in this instance)

Le interviste che applicano tutte le regole di salto condizionato
-- To allow you to see dawba online interviews at their briefest, we have created another fictitious person, Sofia. She is doing very well. Because she doesn't have any problems, the skip rules cut each section of the interview to an absolute minimum. Click on the links below if you want to see how brief the DAWBA interviews can be.

-- The DAWBA for Sofia herself

-- The DAWBA for someone who knows Sofia well (her partner in this instance)

La valutazione clinica online
-- Having collected the information from respondents, the dawba online system then processes and presents the information so as to make it as easy as possible for trained clinical raters to decide if the individual being assessed has a psychiatric disorder. If you'd like to see the rating screens on Luca and Sofia, click on one of the links below - but remember that if you have already opened a separate dawba online window, then clicking on one of the links will load the rating screens onto that window, but won't automatically shift you there - you'll have to do that yourself (probably via an icon on the bottom of your screen).

-- Rating screens for Luca

-- Rating screens for Sofia

Se lei riesce a trovare gli schermi di valutazione e a capirne il significato, allora non avra’ bisogno di altre informazioni – fantastico! Se invece desidera ulteriori informazioni, allora le potra’ leggere cliccando qui. -- That will allow you to go back and forth between the explanations and the dawba online rating screens on Luca or Sofia until you know your way around.

Last modified: 09/07/15