Interviewers' notes about section K: Awkward and troublesome behaviour

This section consists of two parts:

  • Awkward behaviour
  • Behaviour that sometimes get children into trouble

Many of the issues mentioned for section J also apply to the section on awkward behaviour. It's common for five-year-olds, for example, to refuse to do what they are told. So once again, you need to make sure that the respondent is comparing their child with an average child of the same age.

The section on 'behaviours which sometimes gets children into trouble' is mostly fairly straightforward to ask about, although you may be embarrassed to ask parents whether their children have done such dreadful things. In fact, it normally works fine, particularly if you mention that you have to ask parents all questions even if they are unlikely to apply. Instead of upsetting parents, this section sometimes cheers parents up as they realize all the bad things their child is not doing! So even though these questions are quite sensitive, most parents are willing to answer them and understand why they are being asked. But do keep a careful eye on how respondents are reacting - if they are getting irritated, make a note and stop.

Questions about 'behaviours which sometimes gets children into trouble' have a reference period of the past year. If any of these behaviours have occurred in the past year, you then need to ask if they have occurred in the last six months.

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Last modified : 05/09/09