Why do we always want to know about impact as well as about symptoms?
Practically all children have some symptoms. It is unusual to find
children who are free of all fears and worries, who are never
sad or irritable, and who always behave and concentrate well.
Most children are only 100% angelic when they are asleep! And
since most children have some symptoms, that makes it harder
to draw a line between children who have a "normal" level of
symptoms, and children who have "real" problems. Asking about
the number and severity of symptoms helps, but the best guide
is whether or not the symptoms have a serious impact. Are the
symptoms really upsetting the child? Are they seriously
interfering with the child's everyday life? Are they a real
nuisance as far as other people are concerned? That is why
you will be asking about impact every time the respondent has
told you about definite symptoms.
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Last modified : 05/09/09